latest Simple Fire Alarm with Thermistor and NE555 circuit schematic with explanation

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The following circuit is a simple fire alarm circuit based NE555 timer and use thermistor as a temperature detector. This sensor will activate the transistor when the temperature is in high value.

Simple Fire Alarm with Thermistor and NE555 circuit diagram

The thermistor will have a low resistance at high temperature, while at low temperature, the transistor resistance is high. This characteristic of thermitor is used to build the fire alarm.

The difference value of thermistor will decide the transistor 1 and transistor 2 to switching on or off, while TI and T2 has function to drive the NE555 to generate audio frequency. We can say that the thermistor’s condition (its sensing) will determine the alarm to be on or off.

Tags: 555, alarm circuit, circuit diagram of fire alarm, fire alarm, fire alarm circuit, fire alarm circuit diagram, fire alarm circuit using ic 555, fire alarm project, ne555, simple fire alarm, simple fire alarm circuit,


Unknown said...

so why transistor connected to pin4(reset), how can the 555 determine the alarm on or off while no signal change effected on pin2(trigger)????

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